by Muhamad Amiruddin
Well another search engine from me is Bing..
Bing is the new transformation from microsoft company. Bing formerly known as live search, window live search and msn search was unveiled by Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer on May 28 2009 and being fully online on June 3 2009.
What are so special about new bing?
Here are some interesting things about Bing:
Bing automatically suggests similar terms or common refinements that searchers have used in the past or that Bing knows are related to the term you're typing.
Rather than getting lost in the midst of all the other search results, Bing makes the best result stand out from all the others. Best Match is designed to bring the most helpful information from the most authoritative sites for your query - a top user request to help prevent disappointment.
Quick Tabs put the most common refinements for your query term at the top left of the explorer pane.These tabs offer easy access to the web group and relevant to your search and map to the Web Groups throughout the results page. Clicking on any of the elements will automatically execute a query focused just on the Quick Tab refinement.
Roughly 72% of people consider search results too disorganized, leading to errant searches, bad links and search sessions that are needlessly long.
To provide some order to the chaos, for many types of queries, Bing analyzes the search results and organizes them so they're easy to navigate, regardless of how many results it serves up. The result? Web Groups - a categorizing of results that provides structure to what had essentially been a set of blue links.
Latest feature of Bing is visual search. Visual search leads you directly to what you're looking for. A simple click connects you to a whole Web full of related content.
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